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Fresh Tenant Setup

These are the steps I typically take to set up a fresh M365 E5 tenant.

Work in Progress

This is very much a continuous work in progress. I publish changes as I go. Screenshots might be out of date.

Use at your own risk

These are my personal steps. This should not be construed as official guidance. Always refer to the official Microsoft documentation available at


Entra Cloud Sync


Cloud Sync is the lightweight replacement for AAD Connect. Follow the instructions in the Docs link for a step-by-step example for a single forest install.

For conditional access, be sure to exclude the Directory Synchronization Accounts role from any MFA policies.

Hybrid Cloud Trust

📘 Docs

Create EntraID Kerberos Server

# Install the AzureADHybridAuthenticationManagement module
Install-Module -Name AzureADHybridAuthenticationManagement -AllowClobber

# Specify the on-premises Active Directory domain. A new Azure AD
# Kerberos Server object will be created in this Active Directory domain.
$domain = ""

# Enter a UPN of an Azure Active Directory global administrator
$userPrincipalName = ""

# Enter a domain administrator username and password.
$domainCred = Get-Credential

# Create the new Azure AD Kerberos Server object in Active Directory
# and then publish it to Azure Active Directory.
# Open an interactive sign-in prompt with given username to access the Azure AD.
Set-AzureADKerberosServer -Domain $domain -UserPrincipalName $userPrincipalName -DomainCredential $domainCred

# Verify server
Get-AzureADKerberosServer -Domain $domain -DomainCredential $domainCred -UserPrincipalName $userPrincipalName

Id                 : 17530
UserAccount        : CN=krbtgt_AzureAD,CN=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com
ComputerAccount    : CN=AzureADKerberos,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=contoso,DC=com
DisplayName        : krbtgt_17530
DomainDnsName      :
KeyVersion         : 27591
KeyUpdatedOn       : 10/13/2022 9:23:43 PM
KeyUpdatedFrom     :
CloudDisplayName   : krbtgt_17530
CloudDomainDnsName :
CloudId            : 17530
CloudKeyVersion    : 27591
CloudKeyUpdatedOn  : 10/13/2022 9:23:43 PM
CloudTrustDisplay  :

Device Settings


  • Disable adding GA to local admin.

App Registrations

MS Graph PowerShell SDK

To enable use of the MS Graph PowerShell SDK, create an app registration for app-only for use with the SDK.


  1. Create the app registration. undefined
  2. Grant application permissions for Microsoft Graph that are necessary for your use cases.
  3. I prefer to do app consent cert-based authentication. Here's a couple of links explaining the process:
    1. How to use Connect-MgGraph - All Options — LazyAdmin
    2. Use app-only authentication with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK | Microsoft Learn

Identity Protection

Self Service Password Reset

🔗 Portal
📘 Docs

  • Enable Self service password reset
    • Target a group that excludes service accounts. Easiest way to do this is with a dynamic group. Example rule: (user.displayName -ne "On-Premises Directory Synchronization Service Account") and (user.userPrincipalName -notStartsWith "svc")
  • Enable Password writeback in On-premises integration

Authentication Methods

🔗 Portal
📘 Docs


For methods, enable - Passkeys - Authenticator authentication_methods_authenticator_configure

  • Enable FIDO2, Authenticator, Temporary Access Pass in Authentication Methods
Authentication Methods Migration

User Settings

🔗 Portal

  • Toggle Off
    • Users can register Applications
    • Show keep user signed in
  • Toggle On
    • Restrict non-admin users from creating tenants
    • Restrict access to Entra ID administration portal entraid_user_settings

User Feature Settings

🔗 Portal

  • Select All for Users can use preview features for My Apps

Device Settings

Cloud LAPS

🔗 Portal
📘 Docs

  • Enable LAPS undefined

Enterprise State Roaming

🔗 Portal

  • Enable Enterprise State Roaming undefined

Identity Protection

Multifactor authentication registration policy

  • Create a EntraID group called Service Accounts, add the Entra Cloud sync account
  • Enable the policy, targeting all users and excluding the group you just created. undefined

Diagnostic Settings

🔗 Portal
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Prior to doing so, create a Log Analytics workspace and add Sentinel to it.

  • Enable all diagnostic settings to log to your Sentinel's log analytics workspace

Global Secure Access

🔗 Portal
📘 Docs

Enable GSA

Click Activate to enable GSA in your tenant undefined

Internet Access

  1. Enable the Microsoft Profile undefined
  2. Download the GSA Client and deploy to Windows devices.


Tenant Administration Settings

Windows Data Connector



Defender for Endpoint Connector

🔗 Portal

You need to enable the Defender side first.


Windows Autopatch

🔗Portal 📘Docs

  • Run the prereq check. You'll see an advisory for co-management, this can be safely disregarded.
  • Grant admin access for Microsoft
  • Provide Admin contact info.
  • Add devices to the the default autopatch group Windows Autopatch Device Registration
  • Wait a few minutes, then ensure the devices show in the Windows Autopatch devices here
  • Put a couple of devices in the Test ring by clicking on the device name, then selecting Device Actions -> Assign Ring. In the flyout, choose the Test ring


📘 Docs


Add app -> Microsoft 365 Apps for Windows 10 and Later. Assign to all devices.

intune_windows_m365_apps intune_windows_m365_apps_1


Windows Automatic Enrollment

🔗 Portal

  • Set MDM and MAM user scopes to all intune_auto_enrollment

Windows Autopilot

🔗 Portal

Follow this guide: Overview for Windows Autopilot device preparation user-driven Microsoft Entra join in Intune | Microsoft Learn

Prereqs: - Create Entra Groups - Automatic Enrolment Set - Enrolled devices. Windows Autopilot device preparation devices - Set App ID f1346770-5b25-470b-88bd-d5744ab7952c as the owner. - Targeted Users - Windows Autopilot device preparation users - Create/update an Office deployment, target the device group created above.

Create a device prep policy

iOS Enrollment

🔗 Portal

User-driven iOS enrollment is a two step process - the push certificate and the enrollment profile.

Configure Apple MDM Push Certificate

📘 Docs

Enrollment Profile

🔗 Portal

Native iOS enrollment

There's this nifty-keen account driven user enrollment available in iOS 15+, but you'll need a web server to serve up the json file Apple expects.

  • Configure an enrollment profile
    • Create a profile that allows user choice of type of device (corporate vs user), target all users.
Supervised iOS Enrollment with Apple Configurator

🔗 Portal
📘 Docs There are two options for Apple Config profile - with user affinity and without. For testing, enrollment with User Affinity with the Company Portal app mimics how devices might be distributed to end users. 1. Create a new Enrollment Profile. On the settings step, select: User affinity: Enroll with User Affinity Select where users must authenticate: Company Portal 2. Export the profile you just created. Copy the URL. 3. Create a csv file with the serial numbers of iPads you wish to enroll. Serial number,device details 4. Upload the csv file in the portal under Devices. Assign the profile you just created. 5. In Apple Configurator, choose Settings -> Servers. Click + to add a server. Add the URL you copied from step 2. 6. Connect a device, and at the main screen, click Prepare. Leave the default options unchanged. 7. Choose the Intune MDM server defined in Step 5. 8. Skip Apple Business Manager sign-in if prompted. At the Organization screen select a previous org or create a new one. This is shown in the settings app in iOS. 9. Choose to generate a new supervision Identity or reuse an existing one. 10. Choose which steps to display in the Setup Assistant. Click Prepare to start the process.

Android Enrollment


User-driven Android enrollment is a two step process - the managed Google Play account linking and the enrollment profile.

Managed Google Play Account Linking

MacOS Enrollment


As with MDE for MacOS, this tends to change, so be sure to check the docs for the most recent steps.

:material-head-sync: tl;dr
- Create a MacOS enrollment profile here if you didn't for iOS yet - they're shared between iOS and MacOS - Download the Company Portal app for MacOS from here and deploy the company portal app as a MacOS LOB app

MacOS Platform SSO

Use the instructions here as a guide.

tl;dr Use the settings below in a config profile to deploy platform sso with the following options: - Password authentication which syncs the Entra password with the local account password - Create new users as admins

Endpoint security



Under Endpoint Detection and Response, create a new EDR policy targeting Windows. Target all devices.



Deploying MDE on MacOS is a multi-step manual process, and changes occasionally. Refer to Intune-based deployment for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac - Microsoft Defender for Endpoint | Microsoft Learn for the most current steps.

If you want a sample combined deployment, I've combined mobileconfig files here to set the following settings - AutoUpdate enabled, broad channel - Network protection set to block - All other required mobileconfig settings, such as full disk access, etc.

Deploy the combined profile: - Create a device configuration profile for macOS devices using a custom template - For configuration settings, upload the mobileconfig from above. Target device channel. - Target all MacOS devices

Deploy MDE: - MDE App in Intune

Deploy the Onboarding Package - Download the MDM/Intune onboarding package from Defender XDR - Deploy via Intune as a Custom Config template

Security Baselines

Create a new Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Baseline policy and target all devices.


Account Protection

After enabling LAPS in Entra, create a Windows LAPS profile and apply to all devices. intune_laps_profile


M365 Defender


Enable unified SIEM and XDR.

Email & collaboration

Policies & Rules -> Threat Policies -> Preset Security Configurations

Enable Standard Protection Preset Policies. mdo_protection_policies




In the Defender Portal, go to Settings -> Cloud Apps


Preview Features
  • Toggle Enable
IP address Ranges
  • If you have IP Ranges as Trusted Named Locations in EID, add them as Custom IP Address Ranges in MDCA with the category of Corporate mdca_ip_address_range

Cloud Discovery

Defender for Endpoint
  • Enforce App Access with Defender for Endpoint mdca_mde
User Enrichment
  • Enable User Enrichment mdca_user_enrichment

Information Protection

Microsoft Information Protection
  • Enable automatically scan new files
  • Enable scanning protected files. You'll need to go through the OAUTH grant process. mdca_mip
  • Enable file monitoring mdca_files

App governance

Service Status
  • Turn on app governance mdca_enable_app_gov

Connected Apps

App Connectors
  • Hit Connect an app, choose Microsoft 365 from the list. Select all options.


SIEM Agents

  • Add the Azure Sentinel integration


In the Defender Portal, go to Settings -> Endpoints

Advanced Features

Ensure your settings match those below:

Defender for Identity (MDI)


In the Defender Portal, go to Settings -> Identities


Click +Add Sensor, and download the installer and copy the Access key mdi_add_new_sensor

Install the sensor on all DCs in AD. Use the access key when prompted by the installer. mdi_sensor_install

After installing, configure the Active Directory requirements listed below.

AD Configuration

  • Configure Event Collection via GPO
  • Configure Group Managed Service Account account
    • On the first DC
      • Create root KDS key powershell Add-KdsRootKey -EffectiveTime ((get-date).addhours(-10))
      • Purge kerberos tickets powershell klist purge -li 0x3e7
      • Create the gMSA ``` powershell New-ADServiceAccount accountname -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "Domain Controllers" -DNSHostName
                - Install the gMSA on the DC
                  ``` powershell
                  Install-ADServiceAccount -Identity 'accountname'
    • On the other DCs, purge kerberos tickets and install the service account
    • Add the gMSA in the portal Adding a gMSA account


Advanced Audit


To enable auditing with the ExchangeOnlineManagement module in PS5/PS7+

Set-AdminAuditLogConfig -UnifiedAuditLogIngestionEnabled $true

Device Onboarding


  1. Enable Windows and Mac device onboarding. This requires MDE.

Sensitivity Labels

Enable labeling for Protected content & PDFs

With the SharePoint Module in PowerShell 5

connect-sposervice -url 'https://<tenant>'
Set-SPOTenant -EnableAIPIntegration $true
Set-SPOTenant -EnableSensitivityLabelforPDF $true

Enable Labeling for Containers

In a fresh tenant, there will not be any EntraID group settings configured, so those need to be created. After that, you can enable the label sync.

With the AzureADPreview module in Windows PowerShell (PS5)

$TemplateId = (Get-AzureADDirectorySettingTemplate | where { $_.DisplayName -eq "Group.Unified" }).Id
$Template = Get-AzureADDirectorySettingTemplate | where -Property Id -Value $TemplateId -EQ
$setting = $Template.CreateDirectorySetting()
$setting["EnableMIPLabels"] = "True"
New-AzureADDirectorySetting -DirectorySetting $Setting

Then, with the ExchangeOnlineManagement module in PS5/PS7+


Enable co-authoring for Encrypted Files

This can be done in the portal, or via PowerShell.

With the ExchangeOnlineManagement module in PS5/PS7+

Set-PolicyConfig -EnableLabelCoauth:$true


Endpoint DLP


🔗 Portal 📘 Docs

In Settings, change the following: - Advanced classification scanning and protection: On

MIP Scanner

🔗 Portal 📘 Docs

Prerequisites - Service account in AD, exclude from MFA registration and CAs - SQL server for the scanner, as well as a windows server.

Deployment 1. Create a Scanner Cluster 2. Create a Content Scan Job. Be sure to disable any of the auto options - this will just be for scanning.

Exact Data Match

🔗 Portal
📘 Docs

  1. Create a new EDM SIT. Since I work in healthcare, I typically use Synthea to generate patient records. We do have sample industry files you can use.
  2. Make note of the datastrore name when you finish the EDM wizard. You'll need it for the EDM uploader.
EDM Uploader Tool
  1. Create a service account for the EDM upload agents to run as.
  2. Create a EntraID security group named EDM_DataUploaders and add the service account to it.
  3. Install the EDM upload tool to c:\EDM
  4. Place sample data in c:\EDM\Data
  5. Save the schema .\EdmUploadAgent.exe /SaveSchema /DataStoreName your_data_store_name /OutputDir c:\edm\data
  6. Create c:\EDM\hash
  7. Upload the data .\EdmUploadAgent.exe /uploaddata /datastorename your_data_store_name /datafile C:\edm\data\your_data.csv /hashlocation c:\edm\hash /schema C:\edm\data\your_data_store_name.xml /allowedbadlinespercentage 5

Insider Risk Management


🔗 Portal
📘 Docs

Add your account to the Insider Risk Management role.

Browser Activity Plugins

  1. Deploy the Edge profile via Intune as described here
  2. Deploy the Chrome profile via Intune as described here


🔗 Portal
📘 Docs

Policy Indicators
  • Select all indicators under the following categories
    • Office
    • Device
    • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
    • Risky Browsing
    • Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
  • Toggle analytics on


🔗 Portal
📘 Docs

  1. Create a Data Leaks policy from the template
  2. Target all users
  3. Choose not to prioritize content.
  4. For triggering events, choose User performs an exfiltration activity
  5. For thresholds, choose Apply built-in thresholds.
  6. For indicators, leave the default ones checked.